2019 Family Trip to Leavenworth - Jacob R. Campbell, …

I’m still figuring out how I want to share more personal things about my life. While I’m still currently on Facebook (and probably this post will be shared there), I almost never post there. I’ve actually turned off the notifications (other than for messenger). Sometimes I post to Instagram, but that seems somewhat rare as well. I probably most frequently post things to Snapchat, as I like that it just disappears, but I don’t really have many friends there. Sometimes I share photos sometimes directly with people through the Sharing Suggestions in Photos, but I’m still figuring it out. I have a couple hundred photos and video’s I took while we were in the Leavenworth area over Memorial Day. I wanted to share share something, so I put together this video using the Quik App on my iPad, which is such and easy way to put together a pretty neat looking video quickly. You can also also see some some of the photos from our trip. A selection of some photos from our trip. From the waterfront side, Jacks Cabin We got the opportunity to stay in Jack’s Cabin, through airbnb which was a phenomenal experience. The video take you on a bit of tour, but there is really nothing like being able to walk out the back door and have a river and and little waterfall right outside. Tags: Family Trip, Leavenworth Washington, Tri-Cities Washington, Quik Video, Travel, YouTube Video Categories: Personal Blog, Travel Blog, YouTube Videos Locations: Tri-Cities Washington, Leavenworth Washington, Updated: June 04, 2019 Year Archive: Year Archive Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://jacobrcampbell.com/blog/2019/06/family-trip-to-leavenworth/