Are You Ready or Not? Proud Father - Jacob R. Campbell, …

Are You Ready or Not? Proud Father 1 minute read A photo of Minnie at Kadlec Regional Medical Center in Richland and our baby Mateo Rodman Campbell, VSP. We just wanted to update everybody, and let you all know that Minnie and I just had our baby. Minnie had gone in to her regular weekly check up with her doctor. Our pregnancy has been high risk due to the baby only having two arteries in the umbilical cord. While she was there doing the ultra sound they said that during her BBP testing only barely passed. She was put on a heart monitor and they said that he had “decels.” Basically that his heart beat was slowing down. They sent her to Kadlec Regional Hospital to follow up. I left work at about 5 and headed that way to. by 5:45 she had been seen by the doctor and they told her that they were going to preform a C-Section. At 6:43 PM in Richland Washington on 12/27/12 “Mateo Rodman Campbell VSP” was born weighing 7 pounds 9.6 ounces and 20 inches. He was born three and half weeks early from our due date. He is healthy and we will be hanging out in the Hospital for the next couple of days. I’m sure I will write more with lots of cute little stories to tell and pictures to share. Tags: Big Deal, Prosser Washington, Personal Categories: Personal Blog Locations: Prosser Washington, Updated: December 28, 2012 Year Archive: Year Archive Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

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