Back and it Went by like a Flash - Jacob R. Campbell, …

Back and it Went by like a Flash 1 minute read The view of banner with the dates for next years Macworld / iWorld event. I’m back at home now. The rest of my trip was fun, and went by very quickly. My last day in San Francisco was a little obscured by rain. I went back for one more trip to the expo hall and made my way around all of the smaller iOS and OSX Developers. I signed up to try to win a ScanSnap Scanner (they are really amazing, and I’m planning on buying one at some point). If I had money, I would have also bought a File Transporter because there was a great discount and I’ve been wanting one for a long time. There was a ton of other stuff that was very interesting, and I could see myself using and purchasing in the future. I got to sign up for the public beta for BusyMac new contact management software which will be released soon. I walked around the Financial District for a while and went to the Apple Store (I’ve actually never been to a real apple store. It was cool, but I was much more blown away by the Macworld Event. I went to bed early that night, because I had to get up at 3:45 AM to be able to catch my 7 am flight. I arrived at Sea Tac Airport and started making my way back to the Tri-Cities to see my Family. You can see the following video’s that I uploaded to YouTube of Mateo playing with the Slow Motion controls on my iPhone 5s. It makes me laugh :). I hope you enjoy it. Make sure to check out my album, Macworld / iWorld 2014. on Facebook, as I’ve uploaded the rest of my photos from the trip. Tags: Funny, San Francisco California, Tri-Cities Washington, Personal, Travel, Video, YouTube Categories: Personal Blog, Travel Blog Locations: San Francisco California, Tri-Cities Washington, Updated: March 31, 2014 Year Archive: Year Archive Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

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