Bus Trip and Rainy Searches for a Hostel - Jacob R. Campbell, …

Bus Trip and Rainy Searches for a Hostel less than 1 minute read As promised, we did go to Prague (or in Czech “Praha”). It took 6 and a half hours to travel there by bus. We spent the morning wondering around the bus depot. Upon arriving in Prague, we figured out where we were fairly quickly. But we ended up wondering around in the rain until about 1:30 in the morning. We also talked to three different hostels. Our 16 person dorm room in the Hostel Marabou is pretty nice. Tags: Bus, European Excursion 2008, Hostel, Prague Czech Republic, Travel Categories: Personal Blog, Travel Blog Locations: Prague Czech Republic, Updated: August 23, 2008 Year Archive: Year Archive Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://jacobrcampbell.com/blog/2008/8/bus-trip-and-rainy-searches-for-a-hostel