Business… Life, Work, and Organizations - Jacob R. Campbell, …

Business… Life, Work, and Organizations less than 1 minute read Life has been busy lately, and I haven’t posted anything for a while. Most of my time has been taken up by working. I’m working as a Mental Health Case Manager at Nueva Esperanza a part of Tri-Cities Community Health. I have been really loving it. I’ve gotten lots of cool opportunities working there, and am learning a lot. I’ve still been working at Safe Harbor. Next month, I will be starting to lead a group for pre-teens / teens. I’m pretty excited about it. I also got to go to the social night out for Young Professionals of the Tri-Cities. It was nice to meet so many people of different organizations. I really enjoyed it. I’m hoping to have some changes come to my website here in the near future. Tags: Community, Tri-Cities Washington, Safe Harbor Family Support Center, TCCH BHS, Tri-Cities Young Professionals, Work Categories: Personal Blog Locations: Tri-Cities Washington, Updated: January 15, 2011 Year Archive: Year Archive Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

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