Growing So Fast, A Look Back at the Last Year - Jacob R. Campbell, …

Growing So Fast, A Look Back at the Last Year less than 1 minute read Mateo has been growing super fast over the last year. I put together a video showing his growth over the last year in iPhoto. I looked at a bunch of different ways of trying to put this video together. I started in iMovie, but it lacked control. I looked at Adobe Premier but it is too complicated. I even started to make a Keynote Presentation with plans to make to export it as a movie. After starting, I decided that it would take way too long to individually animate each photo, and it would lack a consistent variance. I decided finally to go with iPhoto and make a slide show. It puts movies together quickly. While it still lacks the control that I would like, I think that it turned out well. Tags: iPhoto, Tri-Cities Washington, Personal, YouTube Categories: Personal Blog Locations: Tri-Cities Washington, Updated: January 05, 2014 Year Archive: Year Archive Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

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