Pasco Discovery Coalition Logo Ideas - Jacob R. Campbell, …

Pasco Discovery Coalition Logo Ideas 1 minute read I am very lucky at my job, to be able to be a part of a some community organizing. I have started to be involved with meetings associated with the Pasco Discovery Coalition. I’ve just started, so I am very much in the learning phase of participating in their coalition, but I believe it will be a valuable learning experience. While we were at our last meeting, they had mentioned that somebody was working on a website for them, and it got me thinking about a logo. Teresa (the current co-chair) described that she has been using geese flying in a “V” formation as their logo. She said that it was based on how birds will have different birds fly as the lead bird at different times, and how much better they are are able to fly together. Nobody had asked me to make a Logo, and I am not even sure if they really need one, but I like pushing myself and learning a little bit more about graphic design, so I decided to throw some of these designs out there. I wouldn’t call any of them finished products, but it was interesting for me to work on. Some of them I like, some of them I don’t (I posted all of them, so you could see my design process). My gallery of photos used for potential ideas of PDC Logos Tags: Adobe Illustrator, Design, Tri-Cities Washington, Logo, Pasco Discovery Coalition, Personal Categories: Personal Blog Locations: Tri-Cities Washington, Updated: April 22, 2012 Year Archive: Year Archive Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

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