Quick Happy Birthday Graphic - Jacob R. Campbell, …

Quick Happy Birthday Graphic less than 1 minute read SOA style Happy Birthday Graphic for Minnie Not going to be a long post, just a quick graphic I put together for Minnie’s Birthday. She really likes Sons of Anarchy, so I figured that theme would be fun (even if it is a day late). I found the picture on Northwest Harley Blog and used the magic healing brush to erase the writing. I used the Carnevalee Freak Font to try to match the Son’s of Anarchy Font with applied shadow and stroke. The SOA Logo was taken from one of lots on the internet with the background deleted and a circular shape with opacity placed behind it to help it stand out (and some other blending options). If you’re interested, you can download the photoshop file. Tags: Adobe Photoshop, Design, Puyallup Washington, Personal Categories: Personal Blog Locations: Puyallup Washington, Updated: May 03, 2014 Year Archive: Year Archive Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://jacobrcampbell.com/blog/2014/5/quick-happy-birthday-graphic