Safe Harbor Crisis Nursery Promotional Video - Jacob R. Campbell, …

Safe Harbor Crisis Nursery Promotional Video 1 minute read I really enjoy doing a little bit of graphic and web design, it seems like a good hobby. Sometimes it can take up just a little bit too much time, but I generally enjoy it (unless it’s one of those times that I just can’t seem to get my computer to do what I see in my head. So, I guess more than graphic and web design now, I’ve made my first movie. Well, maybe it’s not really my first movie, but one of my first “real movie.” I’ve put together slide shows and that sort of thing a couple of times in Windows Live Movie Maker. It’s a super easy to use program, and has served my purposes well. When I was asked to create a promotional video for Safe Harbor Crisis Nursery I figured I’d play around with the untouched Adobe Premier Pro I have on my computer and see what I could do. While the video is probably about the same type of quality that I could have made with the basic windows program, it was interesting to learn a little bit about another design type. So below is the video I created for Safe Harbor and loaded on YouTube (View video on YouTube) for your viewing pleasure. I must say the video is not the best quality, but I guess it works for my first attempt. If any of you have any helpful tips for making it better, let me know. Tags: Adobe Premier Pro, Tri-Cities Washington, Personal, Safe Harbor Family Support Center, Video, Webdesign, Youtube Categories: Personal Blog Locations: Tri-Cities Washington, Updated: October 29, 2010 Year Archive: Year Archive Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

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