Sending My Computer Away - Jacob R. Campbell, …

Sending My Computer Away less than 1 minute read A photo of the repair box It might seem like I need to send my computer away, because I have been spending too much time on it. Currently my eyes and head hurt a bit, due to the fact that I have been spending hours and hours working on my computer. Currently I just finished wrapping my computer to be sent to HP Support, and writing a paper. I have had computer issues for the last several weeks. My wireless adapter is not working, something that will be vital in Europe. I thought at first it was a software issues (or drivers)… but after doing a complete system restore, this option was shown as not viable. Then I replaced the wireless adapter completely, but again no effect. This final step will probably do another complete system restore and either replace or re-image my mother board. Either way, I am currently stuck with a loaner computer from school and crossing my fingers that my computer will get back before I leave on my trip. Tags: Spokane Washington, Personal, Technology Categories: Personal Blog Locations: Spokane Washington, Updated: August 05, 2008 Year Archive: Year Archive Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

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