Still in The Right Profession - Jacob R. Campbell, …

Still in The Right Profession 1 minute read Job Well Done As my avid blog readers (I think with all the time my site was down, there are probably none… LOL) probably already know I love NPR. I’m always listening to it in the car all day (unless I’m bumping some Drake). Last night as I was getting off work, late as normal, and driving home. NPR had a really amazing story on. It was Native Foster Care: Lost Children, Shattered Families. It was very informative and powerful. I think I teared up a little bit.As I was driving home, and being impacted by this powerful story, it reminded me of what one of my professors told us one time. We were watching some pretty upsetting videos, and she (Mary Ann Clute) told us the day that hearing some of these stories no longer effect us is the day we should change professions. I guess listening to to this story makes me realize that I really am still in the right profession.That’s a great big “Job Well Done” to me. If your curious about what the percentage of Native American Children are in the foster care system in your state, check out the map below or Disproportionality Rates of Native American Children In Foster Care. Tags: Tri-Cities Washington, National Public Radio, Personal, Work Categories: Personal Blog Locations: Tri-Cities Washington, Updated: October 27, 2011 Year Archive: Year Archive Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

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