Stop Motion Video for Nana [YouTube Video] - Jacob R. Campbell, …

With the quarantine and everything going on, it seemed like a good idea to do a fun activity and get our mind off of everything for a while. We made a stop motion video by taking photos with my GoPro and processing them through Stop Motion Pro App. It was pretty easy to do and fun to go through and plan, set up, and implement. The final product turned out great as well. The music is included in the app and called Mister Exposition. We also built a fort in the back yard. It was fun to put together. You can see a time lapse video and some photos. A time laps video from the other day making a fort with the kids.— Jacob Campbell (@campjacob) March 31, 2020 The kids building their fort in the back yard out of some old wood. Your browser does not support the HTML5 Video element. Tags: Family Fun, Tri-Cities Washington, Stop Motion, YouTube Video Categories: Personal Blog, YouTube Videos Locations: Tri-Cities Washington, Updated: March 31, 2020 Year Archive: Year Archive Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

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