Stupid Flash Debugging - Jacob R. Campbell, …

Stupid Flash Debugging less than 1 minute read I taught myself xHTML, CSS several years ago. Since then I have learned some PHP and JavaScript, VisualBasic, and C++. The newest thing that I have been working on is Fash. It’s been really interesting, but I don’t think I have a great grasp on action script and I can even fail at following a Tutorial on creating a gallery. I like to work though some things like this to take breaks from studying and other projects that I am working on. The final product was supposed to look like this tutorial gallery: <iframe src="/assets/media/flash-gallery-tutorial-example.swf"></iframe> Code no longer works for embed But mine (remember that some of it was quickly done… so isn’t as pretty) Flash Gallery Tutorial did not work: <iframe src="/assets/media/flash-gallery-tutorial-try.swf"></iframe> Code no longer works for embed Anyways, I guess enough playing around with it today. I’ll have to go back though and see where I messed up later, I need to work on my literature review for my research project. Tags: Adobe Flash, Spokane Washington, Personal, Webdesign Categories: Personal Blog Locations: Spokane Washington, Updated: November 16, 2008 Year Archive: Year Archive Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

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