The Almost a Year and Wanting to Escape - Jacob R. Campbell, …

The Almost a Year and Wanting to Escape less than 1 minute read A video I made in iMovie from my iPhone 5 Video Camera. It uses Lenny Kravitz Fly Away) for the music and features Mateo trying to escape from our home. After taking Mateo’s 10 moth pictures, I filed this movie and edited it with iMovie. It was kind of fun, and didn’t take more then a couple of hours. The Monthly Photo Project has been kind of a fun project and we are getting close to the tail end of it. Concept for the Monthly Photo Project for Mateo. Make sure to check out my Instagram for all the photos, you can search for #MonthlyPhotoProject and you’ll see most of the pictures I’ve posted in this process. Tags: Tri-Cities Washington, Personal, YouTube Categories: Personal Blog Locations: Tri-Cities Washington, Updated: October 29, 2013 Year Archive: Year Archive Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

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