The Lawyers & Artists Ball 2011 for My Friends Place - Jacob R. Campbell, …

The Lawyers & Artists Ball 2011 for My Friends Place 1 minute read This is the graphic used for the Lawyer’s and Artists Ball 2011 Event. It is pretty amazing. I absolutely loved it…hopefully some day, I can make artwork of a similar quality. On Saturday, I got the opportunity to attend My Friends Place’s Fundraiser called the Lawyer’s and Artist’s Ball 2011. It was a pretty amazing event. I have been lucky to be able to be on the committee to start My Friends Place (you can also check out the My Friends Place Cause Page. My Friends Place is both a non-profit organization and a program of Safe Harbor Crisis Nursery. It has been quite a process and I have been loving the opportunity to be a part of something big and a great need for our community!The event went wonderfully. There were tons of great costumes and I think we raised a lot of money. You can check out the photos I took (I wish I had taken more) in my Facebook Album Lawyer’s & Artist’s Ball 2011 Album. It was impacting to hear the story one man told about his son who recently died… but had previously been homeless. We found out that he and his family had donated $10,000.00, which is enough to open the doors as soon as possible. Tags: Community, Facebook Album, Facebook, Fundraiser, Tri-Cities Washington, My Friends Place, Safe Harbor Family Support Center Categories: Personal Blog Locations: Tri-Cities Washington, Updated: November 01, 2011 Year Archive: Year Archive Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

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