Weird Sleep Schedule - Jacob R. Campbell, …

Weird Sleep Schedule less than 1 minute read I think all of these overnights that I’m working is catching up with me. A couple of nights ago, I worked an overnight and then had stuff I had to do all morning. I didn’t fall asleep until like five or six pm. I think I was planning on just taking a nap, but slept until morning (like 12 hours). I just woke up from my most recent nap after working an overnight, going to sleep around one in the afternoon. Now it’s nine pm. I’m not exactly sure what I’m supposed to do, because I work in the morning. Do I attempt to go to sleep again in a couple of hours… so I still get a decent amount of sleep because I just got like eight hours. Maybe I’m just trying to get ahead in my sleep so that I’m ready for Europe. Maybe I’m just crazy. Tags: Spokane Washington, Personal, Sleep, Work Categories: Personal Blog, Travel Blog Locations: Spokane Washington, Updated: August 14, 2008 Year Archive: Year Archive Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

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