What Major Events Make Up My Life - Jacob R. Campbell, …

What Major Events Make Up My Life less than 1 minute read 2Pac feat. Nate Dogg - How Long Will They Mourn Me? Still a bit sick, but I slept in very late and probably wondering around in on a cold rainy day isn’t the best idea. I really didn’t want to stay sick all day, so I figured I would just tough though it. After sleeping in late, I made my way to Wawel Castle and the Cathedral that is their. It is very beautiful, and houses the kripts for many influential people from Poland. Listening to my audio guide I was struck by how many of them had so many scenes depicting their lives. On their caskets, it showed the major events that transpired in their lives. It got me to thinking about what at the end of my life might go on my casket or what I would want to be remembered by. Above is a song by Tupac, “How long will they mourn me.” It also made me think about this. Anyways, just a thought. Also, be advised that the song has a lot of explicit lyrics. Tags: Deep Thoughts, European Excursion 2008, Hostel, Krakow Poland, Music, Travel Categories: Personal Blog, Travel Blog Locations: Krakow Poland, Updated: September 15, 2008 Year Archive: Year Archive Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://jacobrcampbell.com/blog/2008/9/what-major-events-make-up-my-life