Which Style? - Jacob R. Campbell, …

Which Style? less than 1 minute read Hey, just looking for some feedback. which style do you think is better for my business cards. My old card has my photo, and is more relaxed. I was thinking that maybe it was time to change up and have my business card match my website / letterhead / resume… etc. I know that most people don’t have all of these things, but I guess I am a very special person (it’s even on my birth certificate). So whether your reading this on my website or my Facebook, let me know which style you thing is better or if you have any comments about the design let me know (good / bad / whatever is appreciated) This is the previous version of my business card (slightly updated, due to graduating). I like this version, especially as a more chill and relaxed type of card. I always felt it was semi-professional looking but also relaxed enough I could give it to a new friend too. This is a Photoshop designed new version of my business card. I redesigned it to better match my website and logo. Also to look more professional and be a little bit more minimalist Tags: Adobe Photoshop, Design, Jaunt Down South 2010, Las Vegas Nevada, Personal, Travel Categories: Personal Blog, Travel Blog Locations: Las Vegas Nevada, Updated: September 17, 2010 Year Archive: Year Archive Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://jacobrcampbell.com/blog/2010/9/which-style