Working with Vulnerable Populations, a Rationale for Social Work Policy Practice - Jacob R. Campbell, …

Working with Vulnerable Populations, a Rationale for Social Work Policy Practice less than 1 minute read Working with vulnerable population is a staple for social workers. Discussion about types of policy practice (including policy-sensitive practice, policy-related practice, and policy advocacy) and some real life examples of participating in policy advocacy through legislative advocacy, social advocacy, and policy analysis. References Figueira-McDonough, J. (1993). Policy practice: The neglected side of social work intervention. Social Work, 38(2), 179–188. Jansson, B. (2014). Brooks/Cole empowerment series: Becoming an effective policy advocate (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning. Tags: Advocacy, Tri-Cities Washington, Social Work, Special Needs Populations, YouTube Posts Categories: Professional Blog, YouTube Videos Locations: Tri-Cities Washington, Updated: January 15, 2019 Year Archive: Year Archive Twitter Facebook LinkedIn

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